
“Whatever you do to the least of my people,  that you do unto me.”   Matthew 25:40


What we do:  The Usher Ministry exists to ensure the proper physical flow of the Mass. Primarily, we greet people as they enter the Church; seat people if it is crowded and seats are limited; tend to people with special needs – wheelchairs, walkers, etc.; perform emergency services, collect financial offerings and distribute bulletins at the liturgies.

Who we serve: The parishioners and staff of St. Rita parish, along with visitors and guests.

Qualities of ministers: Ushers should be friendly, conscientious, and caring people who view themselves as those who serve others.

Skills/Talents of ministers: Ushers should be attentive to detail and directions. They should be able to communicate instructions to others.  They should also be able to anticipate the needs of the clergy, other ministers, and the gathered assembly as ‘the People of God.’

Time involved:  Ushers are usually assigned to a specific Mass each weekend and are asked to arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the start of that Mass. Ushers will occasionally be asked to volunteer for extraordinary liturgies or events.

Length of Commitment:  Ongoing (No set term)

Meetings:  Communications are handled via telephone, or in person prior to the Mass.

Training provided:  Training on policies and procedures are provided by existing ushers.


Contact the parish office for more information.