Prayer Shawl/Comfort Quilt Ministry
Stewardship is defined as one’s use of their time, talent, and treasure in their lives. Here at St. Rita’s, we have so many, many beautiful examples that we may not even be aware of. One of these is the Prayer Shawl/Comfort Quilt Ministry. The people who are receiving these items are so thankful, but, that’s not the whole story. I have witnessed the joy, the beauty, the love of the people involved in this ministry. They are humbled by it, and also experience love and peace as they fashion each item.
Some of the people doing this ministry are experts in their fields, some are beginners. If you are unable to physically participate, we welcome any fabric or yarn you may want to contribute or we also accept monetary contributions.
If you are at all interested contact:
Sharon Wynstra: (262) 515-0351,
Pat Rossman: (262) 880-5270,