Human Concerns
At St. Rita Parish, we not only have ministries that serve our parishioners, but the community as well. Jesus calls us to be a light in the darkness and to show His love. Below are several human concerns ministries that you can get involved in.
Human Concerns Commission: The purpose of the human concerns standing commission is to discern the needs of the people in the parish and wider community – especially the poor – and identify resources to meet those needs while enlisting the active support and participation of parish members. The mission of human concerns usually requires the commission to form committees or ministry teams in order to address specific activities and projects. The commission’s role is to monitor, evaluate, and collaborate with these groups so that they minister more effectively. This group meets quarterly, in January, April, July and October. If you are interested, please contact Deacon Greg Petro through email:; or phone: 262-681-0714.
Advent Wreaths: Throughout the season of Advent, wreaths bearing leaves with items needed by charitable organizations in our community are in the narthex. Parishioners are invited to take a leaf and return the unwrapped item during the last week of Advent.
Christmas in July: During the month of July, a tree with paper ornaments is located in the narthex. Each ornament names a needed item that will be donated to charitable organizations in our community. Parishioners are invited to take an ornament and return the unwrapped item the last weekend in July.
Health Ministry: The mission of the Health Ministry is to promote healthy lifestyles and physical & spiritual healing for parish members and the surrounding community. Visible signs of this mission is our sponsorship of regular blood drives and a fall flu shot clinic. The Health Ministry also maintains the automatic external defibrillators (AEDs) and coordinates the semi-annual Sacrament of Healing during Masses. We are in need of more members to be able to offer regular blood pressure screenings and seminars on health-related topics. If you'd like to be a part of this ministry, please contact Diana Lerro at 262-639-6465.
Infant and Pregnancy Loss: We are never alone. During difficult times it is comforting to know there is someone within our parish community to reach out to who has had a similar experience and can offer support and guidance on a variety of resources that are available in our community.
Ministers to Homebound: Volunteers bring Holy Communion to those who are in nursing homes, hospitals and those who are homebound. This is a wonderful and much needed ministry to care for those who are ill or elderly and cannot come to St. Rita for Mass. Personal connections are made through having a Communion Service, faith sharing and getting to know one another. If you are interested, please contact Dave Eberle through email:; or phone: 262-308-0834.
Prayer Network: Prayer requests can also be called into the parish office at: 262-639-3223. Requests are passed on through email to multiply the number of people praying. To insure confidentiality, members’ names are not listed on emails sent out. We thank those who have given time, energy, and full commitment to this ministry. If you are interested in joining the prayer network, or have a request, you can contact Cheryl Brouillard at
Prison Ministry - Volunteers work in groups to visit male inmates at the Racine Correctional Institution every other Sunday night. A bilingual Communion Service is held along with English and Spanish speaking faith sharing groups. It can make a world of a difference to those in prison to know others care enough about them to visit and help them grow in the Catholic Faith. This ministry gives volunteers the opportunity to visit Jesus in His distressing disguise as a prisoner (Mt. 25:35-40). If you are interested, please contact Deacon Greg Petro through email:; or phone: 262-681-0714.
Respect Life Committee - The Respect Life Committee of St. Rita parish strives to bring pro-life information to parishioners to enable them:
- To make informed choices in gospel of life issues.
- To spread these truths to their families, friends and in the workplace.
Human life is a gift from God and as Catholics we have a most grave obligation to defend all human life from the moment of conception until natural death. The culture of death which includes abortion, embryonic stem cell research and assisted suicide emerges out of the attempt to erase God from our lives. As Catholics, we all have a duty to stop the slaughter of the innocents in every way we can. . The message of "pro-choice" declares "This is my body ... I can do what I want". The message of Jesus proclaims "This is my body ... given up for you." The attitude of worship, which reaches its summit in the Eucharist, is that all our choices are submitted to Jesus, our King, and true freedom is found only in Him.
Saint Patrick’s Community Meals: This program provides a hot meal for the needy at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church every Thursday night at 5pm. Our parish provides the food for the meal and volunteers to serve the meal on the fourth Thursday of every month except June, July and November. Recipes and pans can be picked up after our masses the weekend before.
Sharing Sunday: On the first Sunday of each month non-perishable items are collected at all of our masses for the St. Vincent DePaul Society.