Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
"The Faithful indeed by virtue of their royal priesthood, share
in the offering of the Eucharist." Lumen Gentium #10
In 1973 Pope Paul VI wrote an Instruction on Facilitating Sacramental Eucharistic Communion in Particular Circumstances “so that no one be deprived of this sacramental help and consolation.”
What We Do: Guided by the norms of the General Instruction to the Roman Missal and guidelines of the U. S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the presider in the distribution of Holy Communion to the faithful during the celebration of the mass, and may also assist with preparation of vessels before the liturgy as well as with securing the vessels after mass and/or preparation of vessels for the next mass. Some Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion may also bring Holy Eucharist to those who are hospitalized or home-bound.
Who We Serve: We serve the faithful who attend mass and wish to receive the Body and Blood of our Lord.
Qualities of Ministers: Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion must be fully initiated members (having received the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation). They must be willing to serve the needs of the parish. They must be reliable, cooperative, and must demonstrate reverence for the Holy Eucharist in the exercise of their ministry.
Skills/Talents of Ministers: Ministers are called to live their faith and set an example for all to follow. They must be willing to assist when other ministers are unable to attend their assigned mass and they must secure a sub for themselves should they be unable to fulfill their assignment at a particular mass. Ministers must put their ministry of the Eucharist before their personal desires.
Time Involved: The number of times that each minister serves varies from 8-10 times in a four-month period depending upon which mass they are assigned to. Special requests regarding assignments can be honored. Ministers are contacted by email and given a chance to sign up for special liturgies such as Christmas, Holy Days of Obligation, the Triduum liturgies, etc.
Length of Commitment: There is no set length of commitment. At the end of each four-month schedule, a minister has the opportunity to withdraw from service by contacting the ministry coordinator.
Meetings / Training: Ordinarily, there are no formal meetings. New ministers receive a personal training session which covers the practical aspects of the ministry within the parish. All ministers receive a training session which covers the practical aspects of the ministry within the parish.
Contact: Sharon Gierahn; jsgierahn@sbcglobal.net