Parish Finance Council
“Whatever you do, do it from the heart, as for the Lord and not for others… ; Colossians 3:23
What We Do: The Parish Finance Council serves as a body mandated by both Canon Law and the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, having an advisory and consultative role on behalf of the pastor and parish community. The Finance Council advises the pastor on such things as: the management of parish funds, the commitment of parish resources, review of the annual budget; and provides assistance and review in the formulation of the annual Parish Report to the parish community.
Who We Serve: St. Rita parishioners, pastor, staff and ministries.
Qualities of Committee members: Members of the Finance Council are chosen based on a display of expertise in management and/or financial experience. Members are appointed by the pastor to terms determined at the parish level and may be reappointed by the pastor to consecutive terms.
Time Involved: Monthly meetings are ordinarily 2 hours in length. Preparation time for regular and Ad Hoc meetings varies between 1 and 6 hours per month.
Finance Council Contact:
Michelle Remfry,
Parish Pastor:
Fr. Thomas Vathappallil, MCBS
Parish Trustees:
Sharon Gierahn, (Secretary)
Dennis Collins, (Treasurer)