Founded in the Augustinian tradition, we are a welcoming, inclusive Catholic community. In Eucharistic-centered worship, we gather together around God's table to celebrate His love.
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we provide quality Christian education, faithful to Catholic teaching and tradition. As the Body of Christ, we joyfully support ministries that promote the spiritual, social, and physical well being of our parishioners, our ever-changing community, and our world.
Mission Statement
We, the people of St Rita Parish, strive to encounter Christ in one another, become disciples and proclaim him to others.
We will work to accomplish our mission by:
- Building upon our rich Augustinian tradition
- Celebrating Sacraments and worshiping together
- Promoting lifelong Christian formation
- Nurturing our parish family and the larger community
- Serving others by sharing our gifts of time, talent, and treasure.
Revised by the Parish Pastoral Council, November 2017